Saturday, 19 October 2013

Roll Over, Beethoven: Movie Coming to NYC!

Tickets went on sale today for Kerry Candaele's new film Following the Ninth (I am associate producer) which will screen in NYC at the wonderful Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center in Lincoln Center on October 29, after playing in several  cities on the West Coast, where it has drawn raves.   Seating is limited so order tickets today.  It will then have a regular run for a week (or longer) at the Quad in the Village starting November 1.  I'll be appearing with director Kerry Candaele for one or more of those nights, and there will be other guests.   See great trailer below.

A reminder that I have written a book with Kerry, now in print and e-book editions:   Journeys With Beethoven: Following the Ninth, and Beyond, published by Sinclair Books.   It's just $3.99 for the e-book and $11.99 for print. 

Both the book and the film follow the Ninth Symphony and its enormous cultural and political influence around the world today.  So they take us from Chile during the Pinochet years, to China's Tiananman Square uprising,  to Japan (for their annual mass singing of the "Ode to Joy") and to Germany (with Leonard Bernstein for the fall of the Wall), plus Billy Bragg and his re-writing the "Ode to Joy"--and playing it for the Queen.

In the "Beyond" section of the book I explore my own obsessive "travels" with Ludwig, as a longtime rock 'n roller, in recent years, via concerts and movies and CDs -- but also through new "Beethoven delivery systems" (YouTube, web forums, Twitter, etc.)  I also interview at length pianist Jeremy Denk, who recently won a MacArthur genius award

In any case, it's a totally unique book on Beethoven--a Beethoven for our time, at last.  Again, e-book here and print here.  And here's Kerry's trailer:

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